Senior lady abused in nursing home care.

Fort Worth Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

It’s heartbreaking to consider that our vulnerable family members may suffer at the hands of those responsible for their care. But with help from The Wilhite Law Firm, you have the power to seek justice for the nursing home abuse of a loved one in Fort Worth. We understand the urgency and sensitivity of nursing home abuse claims and will build a case to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Let us help you take the first step toward securing the safety and well-being your loved one deserves. Contact us today for a free consultation to get started.

What Are Common Examples of Nursing Home Abuse in Fort Worth?

It’s essential to understand the different types of nursing home abuse so you can protect your loved one and take action against responsible parties. Abuse may fall into any of the following categories:

  • Physical abuse – This type of abuse involves using force to harm or injure a resident. It includes hitting, slapping, pushing, or any other physical assault.
  • Psychological abuse – Psychological abuse is the attempt to cause emotional pain and distress through verbal assaults, threats, harassment, and isolation from social activities.
  • Sexual abuse – Sexual abuse includes any non-consensual sexual contact or activity with a nursing home resident. This can include unwanted touching, sexual assault, or coerced nudity.
  • Financial exploitation – This occurs when someone illegally or improperly uses a resident’s money, assets, or property. It can include theft, fraud, or unauthorized credit card use.
  • Neglect – Neglect happens when caregivers fail to meet residents’ basic needs. This can involve providing inadequate food, water, hygiene, or medical care, including necessary medications.

What Are Some Signs of Nursing Home Abuse to Look For?

Abuse takes many forms, and the signs can vary depending on the type of mistreatment. If you see any of the following indicators of abuse, act quickly to address the situation.

Signs of physical or sexual abuse may include:

  • Unexplained bruises, cuts, injuries, fractures, or infections
  • Torn, stained, or bloody clothing or bedding
  • Fear or discomfort around certain staff members

Common signs of psychological abuse include:

  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Sudden changes in behavior or mood
  • Depression, anxiety, or fearfulness
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Isolation from family or friends

Signs of neglect can involve:

  • Sudden weight loss, malnutrition, or dehydration
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Bedsores
  • Signs of overmedication or under-medication
  • Dirty or unsafe living conditions
  • Lack of proper clothing or footwear
  • Untreated medical conditions

Signs of financial abuse may include:

  • Missing personal belongings or money
  • Changes in legal documents, such as wills

How Common Is Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse is tragically common. Studies of nursing home residents show that 44 percent of residents have experienced abuse, while 95 percent have experienced or witnessed neglect. One survey of elder abuse suggests that nursing homes and other long-term care facilities have some of the highest rates of elder abuse, a problem likely worsened by industry-wide staffing shortages. The most common reports of elder abuse include physical abuse (29 percent), resident-to-resident abuse (22 percent), gross neglect (14 percent), financial abuse (7 percent), and sexual abuse (7 percent).

The same study revealed that 40 percent of staff admitted to committing psychological abuse, such as yelling, swearing, inappropriate isolation, and denial of food privileges. Another study found that 50 percent of staff mistreated older patients, with 17 percent of certified nursing assistants (CNAs) pushing or shoving residents, 23 percent swearing at residents, and 51 percent yelling at them.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Nursing Home Abuse in Fort Worth?

Depending on the circumstances, several parties can be responsible for nursing home neglect and abuse, including:

  • Nursing home staff – Caregivers, such as nurses, aides, and orderlies, are the parties most directly responsible for committing abuse. However, their actions are often only symptoms of a larger problem, such as a lack of proper safeguards in nursing home facilities.
  • Nursing home administrators – Administrators are responsible for hiring, training, and supervising staff. They can be liable if they fail to implement proper safeguards or ignore signs of abuse.
  • Facility owners – Nursing home owners can bear liability if they cut corners on staffing, training, or maintenance to save money, creating an environment where abuse can occur.
  • Contracted service providers – Third-party companies that provide services like cleaning, food preparation, or security can be liable if their employees engage in abusive behavior or neglect.
  • Other residents – Resident-on-resident abuse is another issue facing nursing homes. Facilities can be liable if they fail to supervise and separate residents who are dangerous to others.

What Types of Damages May Be Available in a Fort Worth Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit?

Your loved one may be eligible for compensation based on the harm they suffered due to nursing home abuse. Depending on the circumstances, this compensation could cover:

  • The costs of medical treatments and hospital stays needed because of the abuse
  • The resident’s physical pain and emotional distress as a result of the abuse
  • The decrease in the resident’s quality of life and ability to enjoy daily activities
  • Necessary relocation costs if the resident needs to move to a new facility
  • The costs of physical or psychological rehabilitation services required to recover from the abuse
  • Wrongful death compensation if the abuse results in the resident’s death

Punitive damages may also be available in rare cases involving extreme neglect or intentional harm. These financial awards aim to punish wrongdoers and deter similar actions in the future, rather than compensate the victim for what they have suffered.

Is There a Deadline for Filing a Fort Worth Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit?

In Texas, you have two years to file a nursing home abuse lawsuit. If you try to sue after the two-year filing deadline, the court will likely dismiss your case, and the abusers will go unpunished.

You can demand justice by contacting a nursing home abuse lawyer immediately. Your attorney can gather evidence, speak to witnesses, and manage all the paperwork for your case promptly and efficiently so you avoid missing essential deadlines.

Contact a Fort Worth Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

If you suspect your loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse in Fort Worth, contact The Wilhite Law Firm today for a free initial consultation. Let’s work together to stop the abuse, hold the responsible parties accountable, and secure a brighter future for your loved one.