About David Miller

Miller started his legal career in 1977, after receiving his J.D. from the University of Denver College of Law where he served as the Editor-in-Chief of its Law Journal. He first worked in a general-practice law firm in Breckenridge. It was there that David got his early trial experience and became a partner.

But ever since law school, he had wanted to be a civil-rights lawyer, and in 1983 he got an offer he couldn’t refuse: a job as the  Legal Director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Colorado affiliate in Denver. He took the job, and stayed with it for the next 13 years, achieving a number of well publicized victories.

One of them, Romer v. Evans, was a landmark case that established that a state constitutional amendment to prohibit any governmental body from recognizing gays or bisexuals as a protected class violated their rights to participate equally in the political process. In 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ruling.

Attorney David Miller Super Lawyer badgeFollowing his stint at the ACLU, Miller launched his own firm, which focused on plaintiffs’ civil-rights cases, and he continued there for five years until he joined Qwest Communications International as Director of Employment Litigation, nationwide. During his Qwest tenure, he was asked to serve as the Interim Director of the Colorado Civil Rights Division in state government, a job he relished.

“It’s been a fascinating evolution and career course,” Miller says, looking back over his practice. “Working as a general litigator; a civil-rights ACLU nonprofit lawyer; a private civil-rights plaintiffs’ lawyer; a defense employment lawyer; a government lawyer and agency director; and now specializing in employment and wage and hour law.”

During his more than four decades of practice, Miller has worked on cases touching on all aspects of employment law, including wage theft, overtime issues, wrongful termination, retaliation, discrimination, and many more.