In collisions involving large commercial trucks and cars, most of the people who suffer serious injuries and fatal injuries are occupants of automobiles. As reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in November 2024, 2,523 people were killed in collisions involving large trucks in the first half of 2024. Occupants of smaller vehicles are vulnerable in any crash involving an 18-wheeler. Contact our truck accident lawyer in Denver from The Wilhite Law Firm today.
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a collision caused by a large commercial truck driver, it is important to consult with experienced truck accident attorneys as soon as possible. At The Wilhite Law Firm, our semi-truck accident attorneys have been successfully handling a range of truck and automobile accidents and other injury cases for more than 35 years. Our Denver truck accident attorneys have the knowledge, skills, and resources to handle complex commercial truck accident claims.

Our Semi-Truck Accident Law Firm in
Denver, Colorado Can Help You
With increasing numbers of semi-tractor-trailers and other big rigs on our roadways, truck accidents are bound to be common in the state of Colorado. The U.S. Department of Transportation reported that 99 people died in crashes involving large commercial trucks in Colorado in 2024. Most of those who died were occupants of other vehicles that collided with trucks. In the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident involving a truck, victims often face significant challenges, including legal claims and substantial damages.
Nevertheless, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that only 12 large-truck occupants died in traffic crashes in Colorado in 2022, as compared to 224 passenger vehicle occupants, 149 motorcyclists, 108 pedestrians, and 15 bicyclists. When large and fully loaded commercial trucks collide with much smaller vehicles, other motorists and their passengers – not the truck drivers – face the greatest risk of catastrophic or fatal injuries. Contact our Denver truck accident lawyer today.
What are the Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Denver?
Speeding is a leading contributing factor to crashes involving tractor-trailers and semis in 2021, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Truckers spend many hours behind the wheel and often drive too fast for roadway conditions. Driving too fast for road or weather conditions is particularly dangerous on the steep grades and mountainous terrain of the I-70 corridor through the Colorado high country west of Denver. The interstate is a major east-west corridor for truck traffic and is also heavily traveled by ski traffic and visitors to the Rocky Mountains. Truck accidents on the I-70 corridor are common.
Legal recourse is available to victims when a negligent truck driver is at fault, and it is crucial to take certain actions to build a strong case.
Under pressure to meet delivery deadlines, truck drivers may drive aggressively and follow other vehicles too closely. Large trucks take longer distances to stop safely. When a truck driver tailgates or follows other vehicles too closely, the driver creates a situation in which an accident is unavoidable if traffic stops suddenly. Large trucks often hit the vehicle in front of them because a driver was following too closely or driving too fast for traffic conditions.
A trucker entering a highway entrance ramp or exit ramp may lose control of the truck if the driver misjudges the safe speed to enter a curve. Most crashes on-ramps are due to misjudgment. Truck rollovers are more likely to occur on ramps or curves if truckers approach them traveling too fast. Although ramps and interchanges account for less than 5 percent of all highway miles, 20 to 30 percent of 18-wheeler crashes occur on or near ramps, according to the Journal of Transportation and Statistics.
A truck driver may have spent many hours behind the wheel without adequate rest. Drivers who are dangerously fatigued pose a danger to others on the roads. Drowsy drivers are slower to react to changes in traffic conditions to avoid a crash.
Truck drivers may be distracted and cause a crash. Truckers often travel on unfamiliar roads to make deliveries. Drivers may look away from the road to consult a map, set an electronic navigation system, or review directions to their destination. A 2007 study of the causes of commercial truck accidents by researchers at the University of Michigan found that 20 percent of large-truck accidents occurred when truck drivers were navigating unfamiliar roads.
The Denver truck accident attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm will investigate and determine all the contributing factors to your accident. Even if you were partially at fault, the truck driver also may have contributed to the accident and be liable for your injuries. Let us review your truck accident and go over your legal options for pursuing compensation.
Why Are Truck Accidents Different From
Other Types of Accidents?
Truck accidents are more complex to resolve than a typical automobile collision. One tractor-trailer may have multiple insurance companies separately providing insurance coverage for the trucking company, the truck driver, the cargo shipper, and the trailer owner.
Crashes involving large trucks and cars frequently produce more serious injuries to the occupants of smaller vehicles because of the difference in the size and weight of 18-wheelers and automobiles. Commercial truck drivers and trucking companies are required by law to carry much higher amounts of liability insurance than automobile drivers because of the damage a large truck may cause. That raises the financial stakes after an accident. It also means a trucking company will have lawyers working to defend its business interests.
Truck companies have a responsibility to hire safe drivers, maintain their equipment, and comply with federal regulations, which can significantly impact truck accident claims.
A truck accident attorney in Denver from The Wilhite Law Firm investigates each tractor-trailer accident to determine all the responsible parties and all the insurance policies available to provide compensation. If more than one party is liable, it may broaden the amount of insurance coverage available to pay for your injuries.
We craft a plan to achieve the best outcome and quickest outcome for our client. We often represent people who have been frustrated in their dealings with another law firm and did not receive the individual attention they expected. If you were involved in a car crash with a truck, contact our Denver car accident lawyer today.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Denver Truck Accident Lawyer?
The cost of hiring a Denver truck accident lawyer depends on numerous factors. It is important to have an open and honest conversation with an attorney about their fee structure and what you can expect regarding the legal costs associated with your unique case.
The Wilhite Law Firm offers injured clients a free case review. During this consultation, our legal team will thoroughly review your claim and outline your legal options for recovering meaningful compensation for your financial losses.
At The Wilhite Law Firm, we also provide transparent information on our fee structure. In most cases, you do not have to pay anything upfront for our services. We work on a contingency fee basis. You only pay us if we recover compensation for your injuries and losses. This structure gives many clients peace of mind, allowing them to focus on healing and recovery instead of the stress of managing medical and legal bills while trying to pursue an insurance claim or truck accident lawsuit. Clients can also rest assured that our Denver truck accident attorneys don’t accept cases they don’t believe have a reasonable chance of success.
Are There Safety Regulations for
Commercial Drivers in Colorado?
Several state and federal regulations bind commercial truck drivers and trucking companies. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the federal agency within the Department of Transportation that oversees commercial trucking safety laws and regulations. Since its establishment in 2000, FMCSA has aimed to help prevent commercial vehicle crashes and reduce truck accident injuries and fatalities in the United States.
One of the most significant trucking industry regulations governs how much time a truck driver can spend behind the wheel of a big rig. Hours-of-service regulations stipulate that drivers carrying property and cargo can only drive a maximum of 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off duty. Commercial truck drivers must also take a 30-minute break after driving for eight hours and cannot drive more than 60 hours in seven days or more than 70 hours in eight days. These hours-of-service regulations help ensure that drivers are well-rested and do not suffer the ill effects of driver fatigue. A 2000 study indicated that driving while drowsy can be as dangerous as driving while drunk.
FMCSA also outlines and enforces trucking regulations and procedures for workplace drug and alcohol testing programs, the labeling and transporting of hazardous materials by commercial motor vehicles, and overall federal motor vehicle safety standards.
There are also rules governing distracted driving and using electronic devices behind the wheel. Commercial drivers cannot text or send electronic messages or emails while driving, and using cellular phones while on the road is restricted to using hands-free devices in close proximity to the driver only.
Violating federal trucking rules and regulations can result in significant penalties for truck drivers and trucking companies. Truck drivers with extensive or multiple infractions may also lose their commercial driver’s license (CDL).
Colorado law also mandates that commercial drivers carry chains from September 1 to May 31 if traveling on I-70 between Morrison and Dotsero because of the risk of inclement weather conditions along dangerous mountain passes.
How Can A Denver Truck Accident Attorney Help Me?
A knowledgeable Denver truck accident attorney can review the details of your injury from a truck accident and discuss whether you have a valid claim. Our attorneys will answer your questions and help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case based on our years of experience handling thousands of accident claims. Trucking accident cases are often complex and require an attorney who understands both state and federal regulations.
We will investigate the accident in detail and identify all the parties that are responsible for your injury. We may work with accident reconstruction experts to show how an accident occurred. We will estimate your losses from the injury including the costs of future medical care and lost income if you cannot return to work after a serious injury. We will submit a claim to the appropriate parties for compensation that reflects all your losses.
It is common for a trucking company or its insurer to make a settlement offer to limit their financial liability. The offer may seem like a large sum of money at first glance. But without legal guidance, you may not know whether the offer is reasonable. Initial offers are often quite low. An experienced truck accident lawyer in Denver from The Wilhite Law Firm will have an informed perspective about the value of your injury case. That prevents an insurance company from forcing you to accept an unreasonably low settlement offer that does not reflect the full extent of your losses.
The Denver truck accident attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm will negotiate aggressively on your behalf for a full and fair settlement. We have the experience and resources to stand up to trucking companies and seek compensation for people who have been seriously injured by the negligence of commercial truck drivers and trucking companies.
What Types of Compensation Can Be Collected After a Commercial Vehicle Accident?
Some of the types of compensation that you may be entitled to receive after a truck accident in Colorado include:
- Reimbursement for your doctor bills, hospital bills, prescription medications, and physical therapy as well as for future medical care related to the truck accident injury;
- Lost past and future wages;
- The cost to replace or fix your automobile, including the cost of a rental car while your vehicle is undergoing repair;
- Compensation for non-economic damages such as emotional distress and physical pain and suffering related to your injury;
- Exemplary damages may be appropriate in an accident in which the conduct of the truck driver or trucking company was outrageous.
If you or your loved one has been injured in a truck accident in Denver or anywhere in Colorado, it is important to contact a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer promptly to review the case and start an investigation if appropriate.

What are the Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Denver?
Truck accidents are sometimes caused by other motorists, road hazards, vehicle failure, or weather conditions. However, according to the Large Truck Crash Causation Study Analysis Brief published in 2007 by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a comprehensive study conducted by the NHTSA and the FMCSA revealed truck driver error to be a major contributing factor to accidents. Trucking accidents often result in severe injuries and higher damages, making legal representation crucial in navigating the settlement process.
Researchers assigned the following associated factors in large-truck collisions, along with their relative risk importance. In addition, related percentages based on the 2021 Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts are added for more information and comparison.
- Truck tire problems (6%) and (1.2%)
- Truck brake problems (29%) and (0.9%)
- Driver traveling too fast for conditions or speeding (23%) and (7%)
- Driver inattention (9%) and external (8%) and internal driver distraction (2%) and (4.9%)
- Driver illness, (3%), consumption of alcohol (1%), fatigue (13%), use of over-the-counter (17%) and illegal drugs (2%) and (4.2%)
- Driver made an illegal maneuver (9%) and (0.7%)
- Truck cargo shift (4%) and (0.4%)
- Truck driver tailgating (5%) and (1.8%)
- Driver unfamiliar with the roadway (22%)
- Roadway problems (20%)
- Driver inadequate surveillance (14%)
- Driver under work pressure (10%)
- Driver jackknifing truck (5%)
What to Do After a Collision with a Semi-Truck in Denver, CO
A collision involving an 80,000-pound commercial vehicle can be disorienting and traumatic. Thinking about what to do in shock of the moment may feel impossible. However, your decisions following a Denver truck crash can influence the outcome of any future truck accident claim you wish to file.
Here’s what to do in the immediate aftermath of a Denver large truck collision:
- Call 911.
- Immediately seek medical attention for your injuries.
- Exchange information with the truck driver and any others involved in the crash.
- Ask witnesses for their contact information.
- Document the scene as thoroughly as possible with photographs, video, and eyewitness statements.
Many trucking accident victims do not realize that their actions in the days and weeks after a commercial truck crash can also impact their claim for compensation.
To protect yourself once the immediate crisis has passed, you should:
- Follow your doctor’s orders – Denver truck accidents can cause serious injuries and lifelong medical complications. Follow-up medical treatment is just as vital for your health and to strengthen your personal injury claim. Always follow your doctor’s treatment protocol. Attend all appointments, seek rehabilitation services, and take all medication as prescribed. Your medical records will be crucial evidence in a truck accident case.
- Contact an experienced Denver truck accident attorney – You need a knowledgeable legal representative looking out for you after a truck accident. The truck company has teams of insurers and attorneys working to limit its liability. A Denver truck accident lawyer can protect your rights, gather and preserve evidence, determine liability, and negotiate for maximum compensation for your losses. Never accept anything from an insurance company or trucking company without consulting an attorney.
- Avoid social media – It is natural to want to discuss your situation or seek advice from friends, family, and others. Resist the urge to post about the crash on social media platforms. Insurance companies and opposing lawyers look for every opportunity to turn the situation in their favor, and the other side could use something you post against you to diminish or discredit your claim. Stay off social media until your attorney resolves your case.
- Keep a paper trail – You can help your truck accident lawyer calculate the fair value of your claim by keeping detailed records of your medical expenses, out-of-pocket costs, and other crash-related costs you incurred. Keep copies of all medical bills, repair receipts, pay stubs, and other financial information to estimate the value of your losses.

What Injuries and Damages are Associated With Semi-Truck Accidents?
The size and speed at which large trucks travel often make the injuries more severe. Among victims of traffic collisions with large commercial trucks, those who survive often suffer catastrophic injuries with long-term debilitating effects. Common truck accident injuries include:
- Head and brain injuries
- Back and neck injuries
- Fractures
- Loss of limbs
- Burns
- Internal injuries
- Lacerations
- Rib and torso injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
Victims of motor vehicle accidents involving trucks must establish fault to seek damages, highlighting the importance of navigating the legal system effectively.
It is important to have skilled legal representation after a truck accident resulting in serious or catastrophic injuries. The damages you may be entitled to claim include present and future medical expenses, lost wages, lost future earnings, pain, and suffering, and other losses. Our Colorado truck accident lawyers at The Wilhite Law Firm are dedicated to fully assessing the extent of your injuries and aggressively pursuing the compensation you need.

Contact Your Denver Truck Accident Lawyer
When you come to The Wilhite Law Firm after a serious truck accident, we will immediately and thoroughly investigate your accident, and file claims for the compensation we believe you are entitled to receive. Our attorneys will also work to ensure that you receive proper medical treatment for your injuries and help you get your life back on track. Our firm has some of the best personal injury lawyers in Denver.
Due to the multiple potentially liable parties and federal regulations involved, truck accident cases can be complicated legal matters. Our Colorado personal injury lawyers have the skills, experience, resources, and dedication to fight for your rights and interests after a catastrophic truck accident. Contact our office today to arrange for a case consultation with an experienced semi-truck accident lawyer with our firm, free of charge.