So, to start this blog off I should let you know my daughter recently turned two. Everything was proceeding along smoothly. She was growing up fast but was still as sweet as she could be! Her vocabulary was expanding at a rapid pace, she started to recite the ABCs to me, and she even seemed to remember me singing to her when she was an infant. I was just blown away with what was happening with her – right before my eyes she was turning into this little person that I could start to have basic conversations with!
Then it all suddenly happened……
About two weeks ago, she started really getting upset at everything. And so started the temper tantrums galore. All I could think was “What has happened to my sweet precious baby girl?!”. Well, the terrible two’s is what happened. Next thing I knew everything was “MINE!” and if she didn’t get what she wanted out came the yelling, screaming and the water works. I must admit, I didn’t realize exactly what parents meant when they said two is terrible. I asked my friends and family and they said welcome to your child starting to find her independence.
This stage in the growth of a child is very tough to handle. You need to have A LOT of patience. She doesn’t know, right from wrong yet. She just wants her independence and is learning how to express emotions. Whether it is putting shoes on herself, or trying to make dinner herself, she doesn’t want my help. Of course, I still am there to help, but I’m doing my best to let her learn and explore on her own. I follow her every move because she loves to get into EVERYTHING. If she isn’t getting into something, she is trying to find a way to be a daredevil. From jumping down the steps, to climbing and trying to jump off the sofa, she does it all. I wish I could bubble wrap her up to protect her, but I can’t!
I know that I have a while to see this phase of life take shape – And while it is very hard and extremely tiring having to keep an eagle eye on her, it is beyond amazing to see her develop! Right before my eyes she is turning into a fun an exciting person with her own thoughts and ideas. As excited as I am to wake up every day and see what life’s challenges I face, I am more excited to see what she will say or do each day. Whether it is a new phrase she says to me or doing something she saw me do the other day it is joy to be able to watch her grow!
As I write this, I watch her running around outside chasing butterflies with her doggie and I think to myself “What will the next phase of her development be like?”. Will she be even more independent? Will she actually listen to me? Before I know it she will be asking for the car and my credit card – Ha!
Life goes very fast, so enjoy each of these moments…I know I am!