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Almost everyone eventually gets into a car accident. Over a typical driving lifetime, you can actually expect to be in at least three or four crashes, according to one insurance industry estimate*. Most of these accidents are relatively minor ones. A “fender bender,” for instance, typically results in no injuries…

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All over the country, e-scooters put out by companies such as Bird are becoming a hot trend. This is especially true in urban areas like Denver. These scooters are dockless. So, they do not need to be mounted to a rack. In many of the cities where these e-scooters are…

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What do you like most about being a lawyer, and least? Most: Helping people and winning cases! Least: Dealing with insurance carriers. What question do you hear most frequently from clients? What are my rights under Workers Compensation? Many people who need the help of a personal injury lawyer are…

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Many of the common injuries from car accidents don’t show up right away. For this reason, after you have been involved in a motor vehicle collision in Colorado, it is extremely urgent that you get medical care as soon as possible. Delaying medical care can lead to even more pain…

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In recent months, you may have noticed the electric scooter craze that has taken Denver by storm. Electric scooter companies like Bird and LimeBike (Lime) offer users the option of renting the scooters for trips of various lengths. Using an app, users can locate scooters, unlock them, start the ride…

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Falls are one of the most common kinds of accidents. They can result in severe injuries as well, including hip fractures and head and brain trauma. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 800,000 people each year require hospitalization due to falls. The costs can…

K and D near Base Camp

What do you like most about being a lawyer, and least? I love it when we are able to make a positive difference in the lives of our clients; whether that means getting them the compensation for their injuries that they deserve, or changing the conditions under which they work…

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A person who has lost a loved one in an accidental death that a third party has caused may seek compensation for the losses, such as lost income after the death of a family breadwinner. Payments for pain and suffering or the loss of a spouse’s companionship are also available…

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After you have been injured in an accident and file an insurance claim, it is likely you will have to negotiate with the insurance company. Any quick offer from an insurer is likely to be low and intended to limit the insurer’s liability. It may be made before you can…

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The cost of suddenly being hospitalized and out of work can be devastating after a serious accident. If you have suffered a severe injury in an accident someone else caused, you may have a legal right to hold them accountable and seek compensation for your medical bills and other expenses…