Category: Workers’ Compensation

work injury claim

Most Colorado employees have the right to receive workers’ compensation benefits if they get hurt while on the job. In many cases, workers receive these benefits through a settlement. The settlement can come in the form of lump sum, or full payment, or it could come in the form of…

work injury

With a few exceptions, any Colorado company that employs one or more people – on a full-time or part-time basis – must carry workers’ compensation insurance. These policies cover on-the-job injuries and occupational illnesses – everything from broken bones to carpal tunnel syndrome. A worker can collect these workers’ compensation…

injured woman 2

When you are injured at work, while performing work duties, you are entitled to worker’s compensation benefits paid for by your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance. This approach to work injuries is intended to streamline medical and lost wage benefits to individuals injured at work. However, with a few exceptions, only…

wc appeal

If you were hurt at work in Colorado, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim. Your claim can seek compensation for medical expenses related to your injury. However, obtaining workers’ compensation benefits is rarely easy. Employers and insurance companies frequently deny claims in Colorado. If your workers’…

Do You Work Outdoors? For many people, nothing beats working in the great outdoors. Getting exercise, soaking up the sun and breathing fresh air can make for an enjoyable day on the job. However, people who work outdoors also face unique hazards. As the seasons change, so do the illness…

file wc claim

Colorado, like other states, places a statute of limitations on workers’ compensation claims. These claims allow you to seek compensation from your employer’s insurance company if you are hurt on the job. In most cases, injured workers in Colorado have two years from the date of an accident to do…

client complaint 1

A pattern we have seen in several of our recent cases is that some employers try to circumvent state and federal overtime laws by “averaging” the two weeks of a pay period so that their employees only receive overtime compensation when they work more than 80 hours in two weeks….

file claim

While there are many reasons that bring potential clients to my office, none is more troubling or pressing than a client whose case is being denied by an insurance company. Once a Claim has been filed with the Division of Workers’ Compensation, the insurance carrier has 20 days to take…

neck pain accident

Millions of Americans have degeneration in their joints. …Shoulders. …Hips. …Knees. …Back. For many these changes are asymptomatic. The degeneration causes no physical limitations or restrictions to their life or work. For others, it may cause mild to moderate issues but the individual is still able to do most things…

injured woman 3

This is a question that I am asked almost every day of my practice, and the answer is not a simple one. It is worth discussing how medical providers are generally selected and what your rights are as an injured worker. Every case in Workers’ Compensation has what is known as…