Colorado consistently ranks among the best states in the U.S. for cyclists, and it’s easy to see why. Stellar views, well-maintained trails, and hundreds of annual cycling events make the state especially biker-friendly. If you’re planning to ride your bike in Colorado, you’re expected to know and obey state regulations…
Year: 2021
In my book The Power of Principled Inclusion, I discuss the place of our personal principles in shaping both our internal sense of ourselves and our relationship to outer world, being all those we encounters and with whom we interact. I stress the importance of each of us always being…
Being a native of the great and flat state of Nebraska (GO BIG RED!) and then moving to the also notoriously flat Kansas, I always looked forward to every summer growing up. Why? Well, because it meant that my family was going to pack into our 1998 Dodge Caravan and…
The events of the past few days, with protests and the assault on the U.S. Capitol, have led many to believe that there can be no merit to the motivations of those protestors. There is a belief that all the protestors are misguided. Their actions may be. The way they…